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Testovorin Depot-250

Testovorin Depot-250

Brand: BM Pharmaceuticals
Product Code: 12043
Package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Availability: In Stock
Price: £25


This is an anabolic-androgenic steroid from BM Pharmaceuticals. It has a long-lasting effect and great performance in gaining muscle mass. It is very popular in bodybuilding, powerlifting and weightlifting. Testovorin Depot-250 is made based on Testosterone Enanthate. This ester was created in the last century. However, it is still used effectively today. It was originally used for medical purposes only to treat female oncology and developmental delays in adolescents.


The main features and positive properties of the drug

This steroid has great anabolic and androgenic effects. At the same time, it has a long period of exposure. Due to this, injections are required infrequently. The components of the drug increase the saturation of tissues and blood with oxygen. The big advantage of Testosterone Enanthate is its ability to provide:

  • An effective set of quality muscles
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Increased sexual activity and energy
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased strength of bones, joints, and ligaments
  • Fast recovery after exercise


Ways of using Testosterone Enanthate

The drug is active for about 2 weeks. To maintain its uniform content throughout the course, injections are given 1-2 times a week. The recommended weekly dosage is 250-750mg. For beginners, it is better to use the minimum dosage so that you can control and track the state of the body. Experienced athletes may use higher doses. The duration of the course is 8-10 weeks.


Combinations with other AAS

Testosterone Enanthate combines well with other drugs. For example, to increase the effect when gaining muscles, use Nandrolone or Turinabol. Winstrol is used in combination with Testosterone Enanthate for the purpose of drying.


Possible side effects

Like any steroid drug, Testosterone Enanthate has side effects. Due to the high probability of aromatization, the content of female hormones in the body increases. In this case, the following effects are observed:

  • Accumulation of excess fluid in the body
  • The appearance of puffiness
  • Breast enlargement

To neutralize these effects, it is required to add aromatase inhibitors to the course.

The reduced testosterone content causes a strong androgenic effect from anabolic steroids. In this case, these may be observed:

  • Formation of acne on the back, face, shoulders
  • The skin becomes greasy
  • Baldness
  • Suppression of the natural production of testosterone

After completing the course of the steroid, it is recommended to carry out PCT to restore hormonal balance.


Reviews of the drug

Most athletes who have used the steroid leave positive comments about it. They note the low frequency of injections and high efficiency. Most often, Testosterone Enanthate is used by bodybuilders and weightlifters.

You can buy steroids based on Enanthate and other active ingredients in our store. We offer quality, original products with delivery to the UK. If necessary, you can get advice from our specialists. They can help you to decide which course to choose for the most effective training.

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